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Biologia-Vida | Guo Guo, outra panda que teve filhote em 2012, na China. |
São animais difíceis de procriar, geralmente rejeitam todos os parceiros escolhidos. Muito esforço tem sido depositado no reflorestamento para manter as populações selvagens, já que a reintegração dos animais criados em cativeiro são menos viáveis. O filhote no vídeo nasceu com 138 gramas (adultos chegam a pesar 120kg), e os dois irmãos alternam entre serem nutridos por veterinários e mantidos aquecidos em incubadoras (a primeira semana de vida é extremamente frágil), e ficarem aos cuidados diretos da mãe.
O nascimento de gêmeos é de certa forma comum na espécie, embora na natureza seja extremamente raro a fêmea criar os dois. geralmente alimentando e cuidando do mais forte e o que tem mais chances de chegar a vida adulta. A gestação dura cerca de 50 dias, os filhotes não conseguem se locomover sozinhos pelas primeiras semanas de vida, dependendo da mãe quase que completamente.
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Panda Li Li, que teve filhote em 2011, na China| Panda Li Li, that gave birth in 2011, in China Photo: Xiongmao |
Por terem o sistema digestivo como os dos outros ursos que são restritamente carnívoros, o panda que tem a alimentação quase inteiramente de bambu precisa comer vários quilos para suprir a necessidade básica diária. São animais solitários, se juntando somente durante as épocas de reprodução.
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Um dos filhotes de Mei Xiang nascido esse semana, nos EUA/ One of the cubs of Mei Xiang, born this week in USA. Photo: ZooBorns |
A giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) gave birth to twins at the Smithsonian's National Zoo in the United States. There are several programs for preservation of the species promoting the cross and artificial insemination of pandas from different locations (increasing the genetic variability) to increase the size of the population that today in wild does not exceed the number of 2000 individuals, mainly due to deforestation and fragmentation of its habitat. Are difficult animals to breed in captivity, generally rejects all chosen partners. Much effort has been placed on reforestation to maintain wild populations, as the reintegration of captive-bred animals are less viable. The cub of the video was born with 138 grams (adults reach 120kg), and the two brothers alternate between being nourished by veterinarians and kept warm in incubators (the first week of life is extremely fragile), and gets mother's attention and care.
The birth of twins is common in the species, but in nature is extremely rare for the female to rase them both, usually feeding and taking care of the strongets and the one what is more likely to reach adulthood. Gestation lasts about 50 days, the cubs can not get around alone the first few weeks of life, depending on the mother almost completely.While there is much effort to restore the habitat to maintain the species in the wild, captive breeding is important both to learn about the species and for maintaining a guaranteed population (that occasionally is released to nature) if the minimum number that is there out can not be maintained for lack of genetic variability.Since it has the digestive system like other bears that are strictly carnivores, the panda that has a diet almost entirely of bamboo needs to eat several pounds to make up to the daily basic need. They are solitary animals, coming together only during breeding seasons.
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Um dos filhotes de Mei Xiang nascido esse semana, nos EUA/ One of the cubs of Mei Xiang, born this week in USA. Photo: ZooBorns |
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Photo: Unknown photographer |
Sources: Zoo Borns / IUCN Red List /Smithsonian's National Zoo / Arkive.org / Animal Diversity Web
Postado por Thalita Morais
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